Monday, April 25, 2011

Day Eight

Well today Mum and I went and saw Arthur, it was really light-hearted and funny, and Russel Brand was Gorgeous. Then we wrote a list of things we wanted to change, and proving to ourselves that nothing is impossible just sometimes it's hard work. We then had lunch at Nando's and then walked around for a bit.
When we got home I was looking at exchange programs to the U-S-of-A, barista courses, and acting class. I know, it's a large amount of random things to be looking at. But I don't really care. I'm organising to go out for dinner and movies tomorrow night with a good friend, which will be nice. I'm also going to make a 30 second video of what music means to me. Oh gosh. I am looking forward to going shopping this week for clothes, school books etc. It'll be nice. And I'm working lots which means money, hell-to-the-yeah!

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