Sunday, April 17, 2011


What I am adoring at the moment:
things with cats on, anime, kids movies, Glee, Disney movies, Lady GaGa, holidays, my iphone, over-sized-knitted jumpers, blogs, the O.C, home decor shopping, colour, bright lipstick, cute shoes, nacho cheese dorritos, dopas capas, mexican food, friends, parties, orange/passion-fruit juice, veggie patties.
What I aim to do these holidays: lunch dates, coffee dates, buy more clothes/cute shoes, catch up with friends a lot, unpack room, find stuff for my room, work a little bit.
Holy shoot, there is so much to do. Going to start tomorrow by starting to unpack in the new house.
I just want to get better so I can get started with these things. Come onnnnnnnnn health!

mood: sick as a dog

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